Library Programs

Animal shows are always a great way to get kids and their whole family into the library. Books about the animals they are seeing can be featured on a table or rack to encourage reading. Most children, and adults alike, take the books with them when they leave.
Of course it’s not just about the fun of seeing exciting exotic animals up close. Our aim is to inspire the children to learn about them and in the process be inspired to do great things for the protection of exotic animals and their native habitats as adults.
We track every library performance which means every year our programs are new, different and even more exciting.


For Libraries in Austin and surrounding areas

For Libraries in Austin and surrounding areas the best way to save on your programs is to get with your neighboring librarians and book shows on the same dates for discounts. Maximum shows to be performed in one day are 3, whether at different locations or one. If your library allows it, we do allow supervised touching at the end of each program as children exit the show area. If touching is allowed then most programs run a full hour. Contact Courtney for local pricing.

For Libraries in the San Antonio, Houston, Dallas and Ft. Worth areas

For Libraries in the San Antonio, Houston, Dallas and Ft. Worth areas there are also discounts for multiple library and show bookings. Shows are usually 45 minutes long. 60 minutes if you allow touching at the end. We can schedule multi day shows if there are at least 2 shows booked each day. On the first day we prefer afternoon or evening shows and on day 2 we prefer morning and early afternoon shows. This allows us the opportunity to make sure our furry friends enjoy the trip as well. Program pricing includes all travel expenses for the immediate area. Programs are $285.

For more information about booking a performance please click here.

We are USDA licensed and insured. If you require a copy of either one contact us and I would be happy to forward it to you.